Nutrition Through the Life Stages

Nutrition Through the Life Stages

Nutritional requirements change across the lifespan. Bright Path Homes acknowledges the importance of a varied diet concentrating on vegetables, whole grains, fruits, lean meats, dairy food, and others. Nutrition management is one part of Home health care in Minneapolis, Minnesota, as we ensure our patients get holistic care for their well-being.

Dietary requirements for young children need to respond to the body’s rapid growth. Energy needs such as vitamins, proteins, and minerals increase with age. In this stage, children are still exploring food choices to match their preferences and growth patterns.

As older teenagers transition to young adults, their environment also changes. Shifts in lifestyle at this age can impact the healthy practices that have been observed in earlier years. With exposure to alcohol, high fat, and unhealthy sleeping patterns, a deliberate effort to remain physically active must be done.

People tend to eat less as they get older. This makes it difficult to achieve enough variety in their diet. At this stage, food choices must be nutrient-dense than energy-dense. Foods with high fiber encourage bowel health. The use of table salt may be limited. Patients in our Long term care in Saint Paul, Minnesota are ensured of comprehensive nutrition management that fits their requirements.

Nutrition changes as we do. The ability to adjust and match our choices with our dietary requirements is an important skill.

For your other needs, we have Assisted living in St. Louis Park, Minnesota.

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